VALORANT Agents: Duelists

 In this blog i will discuss every Duelist in VALORANT. I hope you enjoy! 

First the we will discuss the Duelists.


From Korea comes Jett, an agile fighter who prioritizes movement over everything. She is one of the Agents who has a passive Ability. She is one of those we call Entry Fraggers who go into a certain are/bombsite first. She is one of those Agents that is fun to use and can master in a short amount of time.

Jett's Abilities.

Tailwind (Dash) - Instantly propel in the direction you want to go to, if you don't press any keys, she will just propel forward. If you use your Dash and get 2 kills, it can instantly. There are certain Exploits you can do with this Ability. Use the (E) Key to use this Ability.

Updraft - Instantly Propel Jett into the Air, This is used to go to a certain High Platform easily, You can use this while you are in the Barrier Phase. use the (Q) Key to use this Ability. You can use this Ability 2 Times.

Cloudburst (Smoke) - Instantly throw a projectile that expands into a brief vision cloud on impact on a certain surface whether a wall or a floor. You can hold the (C) Key so that you can curve it and go to certain position. This smoke lasts approximately 4.5 Seconds and costs 100 Credits. You can use this 3 Times.

Jett's Ultimate: Bladestorm - Equip a set of 5 highly Accurate Knives. Use Fire (Left Mouse Button) to throw a single knife, and Alternate Fire (Right Mouse Button) to throw all the knives. If the knives are hit to the head its an instakill and if you use the Right Click close range it can Kill Instantly as well (Sometimes the right click is bad :/). Use the (X) key to use this Ability.


The fiery Brit can wield the power of flame to essentially reshape the Battlefield into how he sees fit. Phoenix is fun to use as well, because you can blind enemies with his Flash, And his voicelines are super funny and cool.

Phoenix's Abilities 

Blaze (Wall) - Equip a flame wall. Fire (LMB) to create a line of flames that move forward that blocks the enemy's vision. and damages players (Also Teammates). Hold Fire (LMB) to curve the wall. Phoenix can also heal with this Ability. The wall lasts 8 seconds and costs 200 Credits. Use the (C) key to use this ability.

Curveball (Flash) - Equip a flare orb that takes a curving path and detonates after throwing, Making the Enemy's blind. Fire (LMB) to curve the Blind to the left, detonating and blinding any player who sees the orb. and Alternative Fire (RMB) to curve the Blind to the right. The Blind lasts 1.1 seconds and costs and you can use it 2 times. Use the (Q) key to use this Ability

Hot Hands (Molotov/Molly) - Equip a fireball. Fire (LMB) to throw a fireball that explodes after a set amount of time or upon hitting the Ground. this can also damage teammates and enemies. Phoenix can also heal himself with this Ability and has a 2 kill Recharge. The molly can last 4 seconds. Use the (E) Key to use this Ability.

Phoenix's Ultimate: Run it Back - Instantly place a marker at Phoenix's Location. When this ability is Active, if you die or the time expires on his Ult, the ability ends and and sends Phoenix back to the location with full health but no Armor. This ult lasts 10 Seconds so you gotta get those frags quickly!. Use the (X) key to use this Ability.


Raze Explodes out of Brazil with her personality and her big guns. With her blunt-force-trauma playstyle, she excels at flushing entrenched enemies and clearing tight spaces with a generous dose of "boom" 

Raze's Abilities

Boom Bot (cutest little thing ever) - Equip a boombot. Press Fire (LMB) to deploy the bot, causing it to travel into a straight line, bumping into walls. the boombot will lock to the enemy and when the boombot is near. A deadly explosion will happen causing you to get a frag. It can still be destroyed. It costs 200 credits and lasts 10 seconds. Use the (C) Key to use this Ability.

Blast Pack (Satchel) - Instantly throw a blast pack that will stick to surfaces and begin arming over. This is used for damaging enemies and knocking them back, and for movement, It costs 200 Credits per Satchel. This is one of the most Fun Abilities because you can fly like a Maniac and make your Enemies Confused People like Flights and Agent Gumle are experts at using this Ability. I will link their Youtube Channels at the end of the Blog. Use the (Q) Key to use this Ability.

Paint Shells (Grenade) - Equip a Cluster Grenade. Press Fire (LMB) to use the Ability which deals damage and creates sub-munitions, each exploding and causing alot of damage. This can be used when a enemy is stuck in a certain position and one of the most effective Abilities Ever. it also has a 2 kill recharge, And lasts 3 Seconds, Use the (E) key to use this Ability.

Raze's Ultimate: Showstopper (Bazooka) - Equip a single-use Rocket Launcher and light its fuse. use Fire (LMB) to use this Ability. which travels in a straight line and explodes on contact to a certain surface. Dealing 150 damage to enemies. This Ability lasts 10 seconds. Use the (X) Key to use this Ability. This Ability is slightly movement-based as well.


Forged in the Heart of Mexico, Reyna dominates single combat, popping off with each kill she scores. Her Capability is only limited with her raw skill, Making her highly dependant on performance. Reyna is also one of the most versatile Agents in Valorant.

Reyna's Abilities

Leer (Blind) - Equip an ethereal eye. Activate to cast the eye for a short distance at fixed range passing through obstructions in the way. The eye will nearsight enemies who see the Blind. The eye will disappear after 2 seconds or receiving bullet damage. Use the (C) key to use the Ability.

Devour (Heal) - Instantly consume a nearby soul orb. after you kill a enemy, you can use this Ability when you are low and the heal can last 25 seconds, if you heal and a certain platform, surface blocks it, you will not heal instantaneously. This ability is useful when you are gonna face another 1v1. Use the (Q) Key to use this Ability.

Dismiss - After you get a frag, you can also use this ability and go intangible for 2 seconds, This Ability is Useful because if you are in a risky situation you can use dismiss to reposition. You can press the (E) key whatever time to get out of the dismiss immediately. 

Reyna's Ultimate: Empress - Enter a frenzy for 25 seconds, increasing firing, equip, and swapping speeds to 15%. After you get a frag the countdown till the Ult ends is increased. After you get a frag you will immediately heal as well. Use the (X) key to use this Ability.


Japanese native Yoru rips holes straight to reality to infiltrate enemy lines unseen. Using deception and Aggression in equal measure, he gets the drop on each target before they know where to look.

Yoru's Abilities

Fakeout - Equip a decoy that sounds that you are running but that isn't even you. The perfect ability to bait out enemies. Fire (LMB) to automatically use it, And Alternative Fire (RMB) To put it in a certain area. You can use it 2 times, Costs 100 Credits and lasts 10 seconds. Use the (C) Key to use this Ability.

Blindside (Flash) - Use this Ability to Blind your Enemies. Press Fire (LMB) to use this Ability. The Blind lasts 1.5 Seconds, 2 time use and costs 200 Credits. Use the (Q) Key to use the Ability.

Gatecrash (Teleporter/TP) - Use this ability to teleport to a certain area, You can use this when entry fragging, and you can use this when you use your blind and TP, use Fire (LMB) to send the TP moving forward and ALT Fire (RMB) to put the TP in place. The TP lasts 30 Seconds and the cooldown to use it again is 35 Seconds. This is one of the must fun abilities to use. Use the (E) Key to use this Ability.

Yoru's Ultimate: Gatecrasher (Invisibility) - Equip a Mask that was from another Reality. Use Fire (LMB) to use this Ability. This Ability is for gathering information and sneak into the enemy lines without them noticing. This is one of the Best Abilities as well.

I hope you learn't something from this Blog, Goodbye!
Information found from:
Flights' Youtube Channel:
Agent Gumle's Youtube Channel:
